USTR to Retain Section 301 Tariffs on Chinese Products But Re-Start Exclusion Process

United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai, in a speech delivered October 4, 2021, indicated that the Biden Administration has completed its 8-month review of China Trade policy, and settled on a “worker-centered” trade policy going forward. As part of this process, the Administration will be keeping in place the Section 301 retaliatory tariffs which the Trump Administration imposed on Chinese goods.

Responding to the needs of many United States manufacturers and consumers, USTR Tai indicated that her office will be reinstating the Section 301 “exclusion process,” under which thousands of specific products received exemptions from the Section 301 levies. A Federal Register notice announcing the exclusion process, its timing and its rules is expected in the near future.

Companies wishing to seek exclusions should begin assembling relevant information to support their applications. We are happy to consult on the best strategies for seeking exclusions for particular products.

We will keep clients informed of developments in this important story. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a Neville Peterson professional.